
Showing posts from August, 2010

Amazing weight loss

I somehow managed to lose 4 pounds this week! I have no idea how as I have still been eating the same amount of calories. So pleased!

Healthy Snacks

I get hungry a lot, but being on a diet I can't eat just anything. One thing I always like is air popped popcorn which is just corn kernels that you pop yourself at home, which doesn't contain any fats unless you add them yourself. I spray a little FryLight better than butter spray on and sprinkle salt, cayenne, sugar or cinnamon on for a healthy low-calorie snack!

Guaranteed to faint again

I am going back to the hospital this afternoon for another blood test as my white blood cell count was high on the last one. This means I will pass out for sure.... I always do! This morning I got woken up early and couldn't get back to sleep because the wind outside was so loud! Was hoping for a lie in.

6 months on

Can't believe it has been 6 months since I stopped smoking and started my diet! So glad I don't smoke anymore and feel better for losing the weight.


As I have lost quite a bit of weight, I decided to go clothes shopping as most of my clothes are falling off me as they are so big! I managed to buy lots of lovely new clothes, including a few new tops,skirts and dresses. I don't like clothes shopping, but I am glad I went.

Blood test results

I got my blood test results back. All was fine apart from my white blood cell count was raised so I have to go back in a month for another blood test.