About Me

My name is Heather and I am from England. 

I suffer from chronic pain, chronic fatigue and more, as well as being disabled due to the severity of my chronic illnesses.

I am sadly no longer able to work which leaves me struggling severely to get by every single day on under £400 a month.

I also can't afford to get by due to living on just over £350 a month which is all I can get and I cannot work any job at all due to how bad my health is now.

The only money I get is PIP, but can't get the money from ESA (credits only ESA), UC nor any other benefit. All I can get is PIP which is 100% correct as confirmed 100's of times by DWP, my MP, even all the way to to parliament many times!

If I had quit and applied for ESA instead of getting a part time job and killing myself at work each day, I would be able to get ESA. But because I got a part time job instead and THAT is why I can't get the money from ESA and why I only get the NI credits.

Lots more information about my health issues on this post.

I can't afford:

  • heating no matter how cold it is
  • more than 1 meal a day
  • a car to get out of the house (public transport is not shocking here)
  • rent anywhere at all!
  • anything at all no matter the price as I have no money....
My chronic illnesses affect me badly and I can't:
  • walk far
  • stand long
  • read for long
  • write for long at all and take days to compose things
  • do any job at all (I tried for years until I could do no more)
I have:
  • severe chronic pain throughout my body from my neck to my knees that leaves me bedbound, screaming constantly, unable to sleep or move, without Fentanyl or Cannabis (which I can't afford)
  • severe chronic fatigue leaving me unable to do almost anything and needing over 11 hours of sleep a night as well as many naps
  • brain fog
  • other cognitive issues due to CFS
  • extreme fatigue as a side effect of fentanyl but no other option other than cannabis which I can't afford

If you ever wish to donate at all, you can via debit card, credit card or PayPal using Ko-Fi.
Nothing is ever expected!!
All money goes on food, bills and heating and nothing else.

All my links are on my Beacons page
