Struggling To Get By As A Chronically ill & Disabled Person In The UK
Being chronically ill and disabled in the UK is far from ideal. In fact it is that bad that I only earn just over £350 a month TOTAL INCOME!
That is all I can get which is 100% correct, and yes I have spoken to the DWP hundreds of times as well as the council and the government. Even parliament many times!
I can't work at all either, so this is all I get!
I can't get UC and I can only get the national insurance credits from ESA for more years until I get enough full years NI credits.
And why can't I get the money from ESA I hear you cry? BECAUSE I WORKED PART TIME INSTEAD OF QUITTING!
If I had quit and applied for ESA instead of getting a part time job and killing myself at work each day with torture like pain, I would be able to get ESA. But because I didn't want to use money that some other disabled person might need more, I got a part time job instead and THAT is why I can't get the money from ESA and why I only get the NI credits.
When you work full time you pay National Insurance which counts towards your pension. As I worked part time instead of quitting work, I didn't pay enough NI credits so I can't get ESA!
I can't get ESA because I worked part time for years instead of quitting.
I can't even afford to rent ANYTHING at all! If I didn't live here, I would be homeless as a disabled person, and yes this does happen! I even nearly was there a few years back and the DWP said "there is nothing we can do" when I said "so I will be homeless as a severely chronically ill and disabled person?".
Until then, I live on just over £350 a month and I can't afford to live.
Even when I get ESA it won't be that much, but at least it won't be like this.
I can't afford:
- heating no matter how cold
- more than 1 meal a day
- a car to get out of the house (public transport is not shocking here)
- rent anywhere at all!
- anything at all no matter the price as I have no money....
- walk far
- stand long
- read for long
- write for long at all and take days to compose things
- do any job at all (I tried for years until I could do no more)
- severe chronic pain throughout my body from my neck to my knees that leaves me bedbound, screaming constantly, unable to sleep or move, without Fentanyl or Cannabis (which I can't afford)
- severe chronic fatigue leaving me unable to do almost anything and needing over 11 hours of sleep a night as well as many naps
- brain fog
- other cognitive issues due to CFS
- extreme fatigue as a side effect of fentanyl but no other option other than cannabis which I can't afford
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