iPad or Android
I am thinking of getting a new tablet PC. I currently have a Asus Transformer TF101 but it is laggy and the battery life is quite poor. Thinking of getting either a Sony Xperia Tablet Z or an iPad with Retina Display. Such a difficult choice because after using Android on a tablet, I am not very happy with it. I know that the new Xperia Tablet Z is a newer version of Android, but it is still Android. Apple keep devices updated for longer. Having been a iPhone user, I know that a device usually gets about 2 iOS updates, where as Android seems to be about 1. I love the look of apps on the iPad compared to Android too. The only thing making it hard is that the Xperia Tablet Z is thinner and lighter than the iPad. That is about it really. Such a hard choice as they are expensive to buy!