
Showing posts from March, 2013

iPad or Android

I am thinking of getting a new tablet PC. I currently have a Asus Transformer TF101 but it is laggy and the battery life is quite poor. Thinking of getting either a Sony Xperia Tablet Z or an iPad with Retina Display. Such a difficult choice because after using Android on a tablet, I am not very happy with it. I know that the new Xperia Tablet Z is a newer version of Android, but it is still Android. Apple keep devices updated for longer. Having been a iPhone user, I know that a device usually gets about 2 iOS updates, where as Android seems to be about 1. I love the look of apps on the iPad compared to Android too. The only thing making it hard is that the Xperia Tablet Z is thinner and lighter than the iPad. That is about it really. Such a hard choice as they are expensive to buy!

Losing weight is hard

I wish it was easier and didn't take as long to lose weight. Gaining weight seems to happen very quickly, but getting rid of it takes forever. Even when eating the right amount of calories, it is awful to have a week where you haven't lose a single pound. I wish there was a way to lose weight fast that actually worked where the weight stayed off and and wasn't dangerous to your health. I know that any lose weight fast plans are mainly your body losing water so you gain the weight when you stop the short diet, but it still doesn't stop me wanting a quick fix.

Lowepro camera case

I picked up my Lowepro Tahoe 30 camera case for my Sony HX20V camera. I previously had a Lowepro Rezo 30 which was too small for this camera and also my previous Panasonic TX20. The Tahoe 30 fits well, albeit a little too large, but only by a little bit. I would rather have it a little bit big than much too tight like the Rezo 30.

Camera for my travels

In preparation for my travelling in May, I bought myself a new camera. I wasn't happy with the low light photo quality of my old Panasonic TZ-20 so I have got a new Sony HX20V. I attend conventions and concerts where light is not really an option so other than getting a DSLR which could be hard to carry around, I opted for a compact but good quality in low light camera. I spent hours over days researching, and this was the best for me. Just bought the Lowepro Tahoe 30 case for it. Will give a review once I pick it up. Just looking for a spare battery and a charger now.

It's been a while

Since I lost lots of weight in 2010 I started travelling more which meant sampling lovely food around the world, which lead to me gaining weight again. Unhappy with the fact some of my clothes don't fit now, I am on a diet again and losing weight as I speak. I am going to be travelling around Europe in May and won't have lost all the weight I need to by then, so I will have to continue the diet when I get back as I am not going to stop sampling local delicious foods when I might not have the chance again. I will be going from the UK to Barcelona - Rome - Brussels - Amsterdam and then back home. Should be a brilliant 2 weeks to explore Europe. I have always wanted to go to Italy so that is the place I am looking forward to most. I have a great love for Italian food so I will enjoy the food there although my waistline might not agree!